Non ministrari Sed ministrare

South Peninsula High School was established in 1950 and is situated in the Metro South Education District. South Peninsula High School has a roll of approximately 1000 pupils and is served by a dedicated staff.
South Peninsula High School is located in the Steurhof area of Cape Town. It is bordered on the western side by Klaproos Road, on the southern side by Old Kendal Road, on the eastern side by Azalea Road and on the northern side by the AG de Villiers field (which is leased to the school), with Constantiaberg Hospital to its north.
Friday 12 July saw the opening of SP’s new Science Teaching and Learning Centre. This fully equipped lab was scheduled to be opened the day before but the weather-related closure of schools necessitated a change of plans. A joint venture of the WCED, Advancing Knowledge (a non-profit initiative driven by Prof. Shaheed Hartley) and Garden Cities Archway Foundation, the lab is the 107th of its kind in the Western Cape. Some Eastern Cape schools have also benefited from this initiative.
In his address, Prof Hartley emphasized the importance of Science students having the opportunity to have a ‘hands on’ experience of scientific equipment, as opposed to reading about experiments in text books or watching them on videos. He stated that, driven by well-trained teachers, students would be prepared for the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond, and, hopefully, they would not be misled into believing that Science and Mathematics were ‘too difficult’ for them to do.
Mrs Myrtle February, Chairperson of the Archway Foundation and former principal of Hyde Park Primary, said that the decision to include SP in the programme was in recognition of its legacy of outstanding academic performance overall and its promotion of Science and Maths in particular. She said the two guiding principles of the Foundation are that all children can be successful and that a child’s background and circumstances do not determine his or her future. The school, under the leadership of the principal, supported by the teachers, can make the difference.
No doubt the new facility will inspire generations of future scientists, with the spark lit by current Science Head of Department Deidre Bastian and her colleagues in the Science Department.

As anyone associated with SP would know, the undoubted highlight of Term 1 is the inter-house athletics competition. The excitement among current and ex-students is incomparable with any other school related event. Last year, Kendal broke the three-year dominance of Azalea. Could they do it again?
Once again, the two days of the event were live-streamed, and, once again, the comments from ex-students throughout the two days confirmed the uniqueness of the SP inter-house tradition.
At the end of Day 1, the day of the field events and long distance races, Azalea and Kendal were level on points with 284,5, Mimosa were third with 273 and Protea brought up the rear, with 239.
On Day 2, even though Mimosa threatened briefly at one stage, and always lurked in the background, it soon became clear that the real race was between Azalea and Kendal, as suggested by the scores at the end of Day 1. At one point Kendal led by 6 points but the closeness of the final points just before the relays (Azalea leading by 2 points) indicated that those races would determine the final outcome. In fact, as it turned out, as the Boys U19 took their marks for their relay, there was a possibility that, depending on the permutations, any one of three results was possible – a win for Azalea, a win for Kendal or a tie! As it turned out, Azalea won the race, with Kendal in 4th place, restoring Azalea to first place, which Kendal had borrowed for 2023. Mimosa finished a comfortable third overall, with Protea finishing some way back.
The final points: 1. Azalea – 490,5; 2. Kendal – 487,5; 3. Mimosa – 459; Protea – 384.
Azalea – Champions of 2024

Once again the SP family can be proud of its latest set of matriculants. Surpassing the overall pass rate of the previous three years, this group has achieved the highly impressive pass rate of 98,5%, with 206 students having written the exam. This is even more commendable given the fact that, as Grade 9s in 2020, they were the last group to resume schooling after the Covid lockdown, so, in a sense, they were always playing catch-up.
Overall, 10 students achieved an average of 80% or more, with the top student being Jayden May, with an average of 87%, obtaining distinctions (A aggregates) in Business Studies (99%!!!), Tourism (93%), Accounting (91%), Economics (91%), Maths, Afrikaans and Life Orientation. In second place was Yonela Ginise (84,7%), with distinctions in Tourism (91%), Maths, Xhosa, Geography, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Life Orientation. Completing the top three was Abdul-Kader Jainoodien (83,43%), who achieved distinctions in Maths (90%), Engineering Graphics and Design, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences and English.
There was a Bachelor’s Pass rate of 70,87%, and there were 165 subject distinctions altogether. At the annual Awards Ceremony at the residence of the Premier, SP received a special award for ‘Consistent Pass Rates of 95% and more over five years’.
Well done to the class of 2023! We wish them well on the next phase of their journey.


Following the retirement of Mr Barry Saunders in December 2022, Mrs Faadiyah (Samsodien) Myburgh was appointed as Deputy Principal as from 1 January this year. Mrs Myburgh, like so many other SP staff members, is an ex-student, having matriculated in 1991. Having joined the staff in 2003, she has proved her value to the life of SP in so many ways, both as an educator and, in recent years, as part of the senior management structure.
Mrs Myburgh also makes history by becoming the first female staff member to be appointed permanently as a Deputy Principal at SP. I’m sure all of the SP family will join me in wishing her every success in her new position as she continues contributing towards taking SP to ever greater heights.
The following photos represent a small cross-section of what our students have been involved (and have excelled) in over the past few years.


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