In terms of section 5 (5) of the South African Schools Act of 1996, the governing body of a public school must determine the admission policy of that school.
The Governing Body of SOUTH PENINSULA HIGH SCHOOL has accordingly constituted the following as the admissions policy of the school, in the belief that its provisions are consistent with:
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108/ 1996);
The National Education Policy Act and any applicable policies determined in terms of this Act (Act 27/1996);
The South African Schools’ Act (Act 84/1996) and subsequent amendments;
The Western Cape School Provincial School Education Act (Act 12/1997), specifically the WCED Policy for the Management of Admission and Registration of Learners at Ordinary Public Schools;
The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (Act 3/2000).
2.1 This policy shall at all times be interpreted and applied in a manner that protects and promotes the best interests of all learners concerned.
2.2 For the purposes of this policy, “parent” means the biological parent, legal guardian, adoptive parent and any other person who is legally responsible for the learner’s education and who has the legal authority to apply for admission to the School.
2.3 For the purposes of this policy, a learner will be of compulsory school-going age until the last school day of the year in which he reaches the age of fifteen years or Grade 9, whichever occurs first. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that this is adhered to.
3.1 Any learner who is in Grade 7 at any school is welcome to make application for admission to Grade 8 at South Peninsula High School.
3.2 The number of students to be accepted will be established by the school management, considering capacity – accommodation and the number of teachers.
3.3 Applications are to be made according to the guidelines as set out by the WCED. Parents have to make application online on the WCED portal. In addition, forms have to be collected from the school or downloaded from the school’s website within the time stipulated by the WCED. They then have to be completed in full according to the instructions on the form and returned to the school before the stipulated closing date. Failure to complete all relevant sections will lead to the non-acceptance of the applicant.
3.4 All information on the form as well as marks and comments on reports and testimonials will be considered.
3.5 No single factor ensures acceptance.
3.6 An applicant whose age varies by two years or more relative to the average age of the grade cohort will not normally be accepted into the school.
3.7 Applications returned after the closing date will be considered only if places become available after offers of places to applicants whose forms were returned in time are turned down.
3.8 The school reserves its rights to verify all information and documentation supplied by an applicant for admission and reserves its rights to take legal action against any applicant who intentionally provides false information and documentation.
3.9 Parents are reminded that they have to apply to other schools to ensure that their children are ultimately placed in a suitable school.
3.10 The following should be noted:
3.10.1 Academic results: sound results and academic achievement will count in the applicant’s favour. As a WCED accredited MST (Maths, Science and Technology) school, applicants with sound Mathematics, English and Science results (minimum 60% in each) will be given preference, if other factors, such as those mentioned below, are favourable.
3.10.2 Sport and cultural activities: participation and achievement will receive favourable consideration (evidence must be provided).
3.10.3 Good reference: positive comments on reports, as well as testimonials, will count in the applicant’s favour.
3.10.4 Reports of good behaviour will have a positive impact.
3.10.5 Essentially, South Peninsula High School views applicants holistically, and expects them to add value to the school.
3.10.6 Positive association with the school through parents who are past students, through parents who have children at SP or who had children at the school previously may count in the applicant’s favour.
3.10.7 The WCED has not determined any feeder zones for public schools in the Western Cape.
3.10.8 All learning and teaching at the school will generally take place through the medium of English, except where another language, e.g. Afrikaans, is the actual learning area.
4.1 In the third term the school will decide how many applications should be made available. This will depend on the capacity of the school to accept more students.
4.2 The criteria above will apply.
4.3 Students must also have passed subjects necessary to fit into the school’s curriculum.
NB: No applications for Grade 12 will be considered.
SASA Section 41(7) stipulates that a learner is admitted to the full school programme and may not, because of the non-payment of school fees by his or her parent, be suspended from classes, denied access to cultural, educational, sporting or social activities of the school, denied a school report, or otherwise be victimised.
The commitments made in terms of the above clause shall not apply to activities or events which do not form part of the official school programme. Without limiting the generality of this clause, grade socials (including matric dances and the like) and school camps or tours shall not form part of and are in addition to the official school programme.