South Peninsula High School has, throughout its history, been focused on discipline as an absolute, non-negotiable requirement in the development of its learners. Without the strictest discipline, nothing can be achieved. South Peninsula High School wants all its learners to follow the school rules in order for them to develop virtuous and disciplined characters. South Peninsula High School and its educators will thus endeavour to instil discipline according to the policies of the school, the Western Cape Department of Education, the Department of Basic Education, and the laws of the Republic of South Africa, without fear or undue favour, and calls on all learners to obey the school rules and all  parents to support the school, its management,  its educators and other staff members in its attempts to uphold the desired standards of discipline.

This policy is guided by the laws of the Republic of South Africa, the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, the ‘Regulations Relating to Disciplining, Suspension and Expulsion of Learners at Public Schools in the Western Cape’ as published in the Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 6939 of the Province of the Western Cape (December 2011), and all other relevant Acts.

Section 8(4) of the SA Schools Act provides that all learners attending a School are bound by the Code of Conduct of that School. All learners attending the School are expected to sign a statement of commitment to the Code of Conduct (Annexure A).


1       Learners are expected at all times to behave in a courteous and considerate manner towards each other, the Students’ Representative Council (SRC), all members of staff and visitors to the school.

2       Learners are expected to abide by the school rules with regard to appearance and behaviour  when representing the school both during school hours and after school hours, at school and away from school. Learners must respect the authority of the prefects.

         Learners may not say or do anything that will discredit themselves or the school.

3       Once a learner has committed him/herself to an extra-curricular or co-curricular activity, he/she will be bound by the rules and obligations related to that activity.

4       No learner has the right at any time to behave in a manner that will disrupt the learning activity of other learners, or will cause another learner physical or emotional harm.

5       The school will contact parents/guardians when a learner’s behaviour becomes a cause of concern and will endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem.



1.1    Certain offences are to be grouped into certain levels of seriousness.

1.2    This shall be done in order to determine appropriate punishments for the offences with greater  ease, as well as to provide suggestions for suitable punishments, to facilitate the right of the accused to a speedy resolution.

1.3    The following levels of infringement shall exist: Level 1 for less serious misdemeanours; Level 2 for more serious infringements; Level 3 for offences of an exceptionally serious nature.

1.4    In some cases, and within reason, the sanction imposed may deviate from the standard.      


2.1   These infringements are of a less serious nature, and may include, but are not limited to, minor misbehaviour while on school property.

2.2   The standard punishment to be given may include, but shall not be limited to, verbal warning or written reprimand by an educator or a principal; supervised school work that will contribute to the learner’s progress at school; the improvement of the school environment, provided that the parents are timeously informed and the security of the child is assured; performing tasks that would assist the offended person; agreed affordable compensation; replacement of damaged property;  suspension from some school activities, e.g. sport, cultural activities; and weekday interval or afternoon detention or Friday afternoon detention.

InfringementStandard Action
Talking out of turn in classVerbal reprimand; interval detention; afternoon detention if repeated
Lack of textbook, notebook, or adequate equipment
Late for class
Eating or drinking in class without prior permission
Littering Afternoon detention
Submitting a project late / No projected submitted
No absentee letter or email notifying of absence submitted
Being late for school
Use of bad language   
Persistent classroom disruption
Walking down Old Kendal Road/Making use of the shop in Old Kendal Road
Being guilty of a uniform infringementAfternoon detention. Parent will be called to bring the missing/correct item.
Hair and jewellery regulation infringementVerbal warning/interval detention if repeated
Using mobile phones, tablet computers, iPads, ‘boom boxes’ or other electronic apparatus without prior permissionItem to be confiscated and returned on  last day of school  term      
Displaying or wearing non-school uniform items

NB: 1.  For elaboration on uniform regulations, see 6 below. 

         2.  In the case of absence, an absentee letter must be submitted to the class teacher on return.  Alternatively, an email, addressed to the school secretary or the class teacher, may be sent on the day of absence. Medical certificates may be attached.


3.1   These infringements are of a more serious nature, and may include, but are not limited to, serious misbehaviour while on school property.

3.2   These infringements may also include activities which bring the school into disrepute during activities outside the school property.

InfringementStandard Action
Bullying (minor)Friday afternoon detention  
Vandalism (including defacing desks and walls)
Disobedience / insolence
Bunking classes (repeat offence)
Bunking school
Smoking (including e-cigarettes) or being in the company of smokersFriday afternoon detention
Truancy (bunking school for an extended period)Parents to be informed, as well as WCED
Publication of the private details or correspondences of an educator or other forms of gossipFriday afternoon detention/ appearance before the SGB
Using hate speech/ making himself or herself guilty of racism or sexismFriday afternoon detention with some form of restorative action /appearance before the SGB

3.3   The standard punishment to be given may include, but shall not be limited to, Friday afternoon detention or an appearance before the School Governing Body of South Peninsula High School (Hereafter “SGB”).


4.1    These infringements, which are listed in the table below, are of an exceptionally serious nature, and are classified as serious misconduct in the Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 6939 of the Province of the Western Cape (December 2011).

4.2    In cases such as these, where it is alleged that the conduct of a learner may constitute serious misconduct, the allegation is brought to the attention of the principal, who must investigate, and then determine whether or not to report the matter to the SGB.

4.3    If the matter is reported to the SGB, disciplinary proceedings will be implemented. 

4.4    It must be noted that expulsion procedures may be instituted for learners regardless of whether or not the offence is the first.

InfringementStandard Action by the SGB
Bullying (including cyber-bullying), assault, theft, arson or malicious damage to propertySuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted. Serious cases will be reported to SAPS
Committing an act of gross insubordinationSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Engaging in immoral conductSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Possession or use of intoxicating liquors, stupefying narcotics, or other substancesSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; learner to undergo mandatory addiction rehabilitation programme before returning to school; incident reported to SAPS
Distribution of intoxicating liquors, stupefying narcotics, or other substances  Expulsion procedures instituted; incident reported to SAPS
Is in possession of or uses any unauthorised copy of a test or examination question paper, or cheats, distributes, trades, bribes or attempts to bribe any person in respect of any test or examination, with the intention of enabling himself or herself, or any other person, to gain an unfair advantageSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Making himself or herself guilty of sexual harrassment; possessing or distributing pornographic material; or engaging in any act of public indecencySuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Endangering the safety of or threatening fellow learners or educators, disrupting the school programme or violating the rights of others  Suspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Falsely identifying himself or herself, or knowingly and wilfully supplying false information or falsifying documentation to gain an unfair advantage at schoolSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Has repeatedly been found guilty of transgressing the learner’s code of conductSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Conducting himself or herself in a disgraceful, improper or unbecoming mannerSuspension up to a maximum of 7 school days; possible expulsion procedures instituted
Committing a criminal offence while on school property, at a school function, or while acting as a represenative of South Peninsula High SchoolExpulsion procedures instituted
Being found guilty of breaking one of the laws of the Republic of South Africa which leaves the learner with a criminal record Expulsion procedures instituted

5       GENERAL

5.1     Suspension of a Learner

5.1.1  The SGB may suspend a learner suspected of serious misconduct on reasonable grounds, and as a precautionary measure, for a period not longer than seven school days.

5.1.2  The SGB may suspend a learner as a correctional measure, after the learner has been found guilty of serious misconduct, for a period not longer than seven school days.

5.1.3  Where a learner has been recommended for expulsion by the Head of Department (HoD), the SGB may suspend the learner for a period not longer than fourteen school days, pending the decision by the HoD.

5.1.4  The total period of suspension of a learner from school shall not be longer than twenty one school days, unless application is made, on reasonable grounds, to, and permission granted by, the Head of Department or his or her representative.

5.2     Withdrawal of privileges

5.2.1  Any Grade 12 learner who is found to have committed a Level 3 offence will forfeit the privilege of attending the Matric Dance.

5.2.2  Any learner who is found to have committed a Level 3 offence will forfeit the privilege of representing the school in any official activity, participating in any school production or accompanying other learners on a school outing of any nature for a minimum of six months. This includes but is not limited to the surf walk, the inter-school athletics competition, school dances and fashion shows. 

5.2.3  Any learner who is found to have used, been in possession of or distributed an illegal substance or alcoholic liquor on the school field will be banned from the field for the rest of the term in which the offence occurs, as well as the following term.

5.2.4  Any learner who is involved in a fight on the school field will be banned from the field for the remainder of the term in which the fight has occurred, as well as the next.

5.2.5  Any learner who is deemed to be guilty of improper conduct on the school field will be banned from the field for the remainder of the term.

5.2.6  Any learner found smoking (including smoking e-cigarettes) on the school field, or in the company of smokers, will be banned from the field for the remainder of the term in which the offence occurs, and the following term.

5.2.7  Any learner who, in the opinion of educators, is repeatedly guilty of Level 1 or 2 offences may forfeit privileges as contemplated in 5.2.2 above.

5.2.8  Any learner who, in the opinion of educators, is repeatedly guilty of Level 1 offences may be placed on ‘report’. This process entails the learner being issued with a book which has to be signed, with a comment on his or her behaviour, by each educator for each period. At the end of the day, the book is taken home and signed by the parent. The following day, the book is checked by the class educator or other educator assigned to the task. The process is repeated until educators are satisfied that the learner’s behaviour has shown a marked improvement.


          Learners must observe the regulations as stipulated below:

6.1  Hair

  • Hair must be kept neat at all times.
  • Hair longer than shoulder length must be plaited or tied up.
  • Only the natural hair colour is allowed. 
  • Hair accessories must be maroon, black, brown or white only.
  • Scarves worn for religious purposes must be a plain white with no trims (e.g. beads, tassels etc.). No pashminas or long scarves are allowed and will be confiscated from students.

6.2  Dress Code      

6.2.1 General 

  • A maroon school jersey or navy blue blazer may be worn with the school dress, navy skirt (see below) or grey school trousers. However, where the school trousers are worn as an alternative to the official school dress in summer, or navy blue skirt in winter, they must be worn in conjunction with the navy school blazer. The trousers may not be altered or tapered in any way.
  • When trousers are worn, a white long-sleeved shirt must be worn, with the school tie. No ‘glad/open neck’ shirts are allowed.
  • Black school shoes must be worn, which must be polished at all times. No writing will be allowed on the school shoes.
  • Grey school socks must be worn with school trousers.
  • Tracksuit pants will not be allowed as part of the uniform, except for Physical Education (see below).

6.2.2 Summer (Term 1 and 4)

  • Where a student opts not to wear trousers, the official school dress as supplied by our uniform stockist, School & Leisure, must be worn, with the belt in the loopsThe dress length should be no shorter than three (3) cm above the knee.
  • White anklet school socks or skin-coloured pantihose must be worn with the school dress.  No secret socks/footless tights may be worn under the pantihose.

6.2.3  Winter (Term 2 and 3)

  • Where a student opts not to wear trousers, the navy blue SPHS skirt as supplied by our uniform stockist, School & Leisure, must be worn. No straight/pencil cut will be allowed.  The length of the skirt must be on / below the knee (No shorter than three (3) cm above the knee).
  • Black pantihose must be worn with the navy school skirt.
  • A school beanie and scarf, purchased from the school, may be worn.
  • When necessary, an SPHS rain jacket must be worn. (No other rain jackets will be allowed.)

NB: For religious reasons only, and only after a written request from a parent, permission will be granted for a full length navy blue skirt to be warn as an alternative to the official school dress or navy blue skirt.

6.2.4 Physical Education

        The following are the required uniform items:

  • The SPHS maroon golf T-shirt.
  • The SPHS maroon PE Shorts.
  • School Tracksuit pants (in winter). On receipt of a written request from a parent, permission will be granted for these to be worn in summer for religious purposes.
  • Takkies.
  • School peaked cap (optional).

7         General

7.1.      Jewellery

  • No jewellery is allowed.
  • Only a watch and MedicAlert bracelet (if required) are allowed on the arm.

7.2      Other

  • Nails are to be kept short at all times. Nail polish of any description is not allowed.
  • No make-up is allowed.
  • No writing or drawing on school bags is allowed. Only the learner’s name must be on his/her bag.

7.3      Notes

7.3.1   Learners who are not in school uniform must submit a letter of explanation (from the parents)  to the office before they will be admitted to class.

7.3.2   Learners who do not adhere to these regulations will be dealt with according to the school’s discipline policy (see above).



I, …………………………………………………, a learner at South Peninsula High School, understand the rules and their implications and hereby commit to:

  • abide by the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary System, as well as the Policy relating to the use of Cellphones;
  • behave in a courteous and considerate manner and respect other learners, the SRC, all members of staff and visitors to the school;
  • treat everyone with respect regardless of differences in religion, ability, gender, age or sexual orientation;
  • take responsibility for my learning by attending regularly and punctually and completing all my assessment tasks on time;
  • cooperate with my educators and other school staff;
  • assist in making the school a safe place for all;
  • seek help if I need it;
  • let the school know if I feel my rights have been infringed, or if I experience any other difficulty.

     SIGNATURE OF LEARNER: ………………………………..

     PARENT (print name): …………………………………………

     SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………

     DATE: …………………………………………………………